February 2, 2021

Frequently Asked Questions Updated


The Newport Ocean Sailing Association, committed to the 73rd Newport to Ensenada International Yacht Race sailing April 23, has created a new Frequently Asked Questions page. The page and its longstanding “ABC’s of N2E” address questions racers may have about changes or potential changes to the race in consideration of continuing uncertainty and COVID-19 restrictions.

Some of the questions addressed at include:

  • “What about Covid-19?”
  • “How a 2020 credit is applied to the 2021 race?”
  • “What else is new for N2E 2021?”

“We’re making the best of a pretty challenging situation and really want to help get people out on the water,” said Vice Commodore of Administration Mary Bacon.

This information also helps racers decide which N2E course might be best for their comfort level and includes details important to racers like a visit to customs is not required after circumnavigating the Coronado’s and that the entry fee includes a yellow brick tracker.

“It’s time to get off the Covid couch and sign up,” said Bacon. 

As announced October 27, 2020, NOSA is committed to holding the 73rd annual race. However, depending on COVID restrictions and the ability to safely disembark and enjoy Ensenada, the second option is to go around the Coronado Islands and finish the race in San Diego. In anticipating what this means for racers, the NOSA board has been actively planning for docking, and hotel needs to make the switch as easy as possible for racers if necessary.

Also, in preparation for the race, NOSA’s annual "Racing and Winning at Night” seminars will be held later this month and in March. Details are forthcoming.

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