June 27, 2020

Honoring Our Frontline Heroes


Some boating events might be paused this year but the Newport Beach waterfront has been seen coming back to life in recent weeks and leading the charge in boating fun in July is the American Legion Yacht Club’s annual “Old Glory Boat Parade.”

The theme of this year’s event is “Honoring Our Frontline Heroes.” 

The longstanding event will run Saturday, July 4th from 1:00 p.m. inside Newport Harbor through 3:30 p.m. The event is free, and all boats are welcome. Skippers will need to attend a Zoom meeting July, 2 @ 7:00 p.m. for safety instructions.

If you have a boat in Newport Beach (or want to join the fun from Dana Point, Huntington Harbor or Long Beach) and have been looking for an opportunity to share some camaraderie, competition and some good old American 4th of July pride with your fellow boaters, sign up today at https://alyc.com/event-3669764. Prizes will be awarded for best decorated, best music, most creative, finest costumes, and many others.

Last-minute, in-person registration will be accepted at the post until 6:30 p.m. on July 3. But why wait?

Parade route courtesy of ALYC. Boat image thanks to visitnewportbeach.com, ALYC and special thanks to Lawrence Sherwin of the Newport Indy for the fun photo of N2E racer RyLaCade. 

Let’s get in our boats and back on the water. The NOSA board is already ramping up for N2E in 2021 to make it bigger and better than ever. Will you be race ready?

Thanks to our Sponsors