Latest News
Our hosts in Mexico are ready to welcome the sailors! Check out this calendar of events.
Newport Beach, CA (January, 2024) - To help owners and crews get ready for the N2E race April 25 – 27 2025, NOSA is offering a variety of Race Seminars […]
Newport Beach, CA (December 1, 2024) - The Newport to Ensenada International Yacht Race registration is open for the April 25 – 27, 2025 annual classic. Once again race organizer, […]
Newport Ocean Sailing Association
Newport Ocean Sailing Association is a non-profit organization run by a board of directors filled with highly experienced sailboat racers and U.S. Sailing Certified Race Officials who, along with a large group of volunteers, are the premier race management team who host the iconic Newport to Ensenada International Yacht Race and others all-the-while promoting yacht racing in Southern California. NOSA provides financial assistance to junior sailing programs and other non-profit organizations that encourage and develop amateur watersports with an emphasis on sailing, boating and seamanship.
Notice Board
NOSA is now using Regatta Network to manage Registration and Results.
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